Monday, February 13, 2012

December-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

Saturday, 3  December -2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster  
Forty-five tons of highly (Fukushima Nuclear Plant )  radioactive water leaked from the apparatus being used to decontaminate the water at the plant. Plant workers attempted to contain the leak, but it was unknown if any of the water escaped into the water table or the ocean.

Thursday, 15 December-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster
A long-range timetable is announced for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors. The plan is to repair the damaged containment vessels and determine the condition of the melted fuel by the end of 2021, then begin the retrieval of this fuel in 2022. The full duration of the schedule is 40 years, with the decommissioning work to be completed by 2052.

Friday, 16  December-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 

In a joint statement by TEPCO and the Japan government it is announced that the reactors have achieved a state of cold shutdown. Temperatures in the containment vessels were 38.9 degrees Celsius for reactor one, 67.5 degrees for reactor two, and 57.4 degrees for reactor 3. This announcement failed to lay to rest substantial concerns arising from TEPCO's inability to directly measure temperatures at the bottoms of the containment vessels, and the fact that the site is too radioactive for visual confirmation of the fuel rods' status .

Sunday, December 18-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster  

230 tons of highly radioactive water is discovered in a tunnel below a building that stores contaminated water, raising questions about TEPCO's inspection and management capabilities. TEPCO admits that this radioactive water may be mixing with the ground water, yet claims that the tunnel is not connected to the sea .

Tuesday, December 20-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko, visiting Japan, confirmed that the Daiichi reactors were stable. Said Jaczko, "The temperatures have decreased significantly, the amount of heat that's being produced from the reactor fuel itself is very, very low now. So it simply doesn't have the kind of energy, if you will, that's needed to have any kind of off-site releases of radiation. I feel very comfortable with the (government's cold shutdown) decision."

Monday, 26 December -2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster  

An interim report was issued by the investigative panel headed by Yotaro Hatamura. In the report, the panel concluded that poor internal communication by the Japanese government and faulty knowledge and actions by TEPCO employees contributed to the disaster. The Japanese cabinet was not informed of the government's System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information, which could have told them of the wind direction's effect on the spread of radiation, which would have allowed them to make better decisions on which areas to evacuate around Fukushima Daiichi. TEPCO workers mistakenly believed that the isolation condenser for reactor #1 was still working, when it was not, delaying efforts to try other methods to cool the reactor. TEPCO workers turned off an emergency cooling system on reactor #3 for seven hours to try to switch to another system that was not working, allowing the reactor to overheat more quickly.

Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster Information| Nuclear Plant 

November-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

Tuesday, 1 November-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 
TEPCO reports the completion  (Fukushim Nuclear Plant ) of a cover for the reactor unit 1, which is 54 metres high, 47 metres wide and 42 metres deep. The cover has a built-in ventilation system that is supposed to filter radioactive material.

Wednesday, 2 November-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 

Boric acid is injected into reactor number 2 after the discovery of xenon in its containment vessel. The presence of xenon may be an indication that a self-sustained fission reaction has been occurring .

Friday, 4 November -2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 
TEPCO retracts Wednesday's statement about a possible self-sustained fission reaction, and now claims that the xenon was a result of the normal decay of radioisotopes in the fuel.

Thursday,14 November-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 
The Japanese government bans shipments of rice from a farm near the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. 630 becquerels of cesium per kilogram was found in the rice, over the 500 becquerels of cesium per kilogram allowed for human consumption. (From hundreds of spots tested around Fukushima, none had previously exceeded the limit.)
Tuesday, 29 November-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster 

TEPCO now claims that there was no explosion at reactor number 2 on March 15 as previously reported, and that instead the explosion occurred at reactor number 4. However, TEPCO has no explanation for the observed rise in radioactive emissions from reactor 2 at this time.

Wednesday, 30 November -2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster
TEPCO reports that a new computer simulation of the meltdown shows nuclear fuel rod material melting through the pressure vessel and deep inside the concrete of the primary containment vessel, within a foot of breaching it fully in Reactor No. 1. In the pessimistic scenario, all of the fuel of Reactor No. 1 has escaped the pressure vessel, as well as a majority of the fuel for Reactor No. 2 and 3.

October-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

Saturday,  8October-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster

The Economist reports ( Fukushima Nuclear Plant )  that high levels of radioactive particles, including plutonium have been found in an extended irregular zone that extends well outside the 30 km evacuation radius around the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant

Monday,  31 October-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power Plant  Disaster

A French study by the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety revealed that the Fukushima nuclear disaster caused the biggest discharge of radioactive material into the ocean in history. The radioactive cesium that flowed into the sea from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant was 20 times the amount estimated by its owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Atmospheric releases were cited as amounting to 35,800 terabecquerels of cesium 137 by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics journal—an estimate about 42 percent of that released into the atmosphere in the Chernobyl explosion in 1986. Cesium 137 has a half-life of 30 years.
Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Information | Timeline | Disaster News 

September --2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant Disaster

Thursday, 8 September--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency( Fukushima Nuclear Plant )  calculates that a total of 15,000 terabecquerels of radiation has been released into the sea from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

Friday, 16 September--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 
Research indicates that the meltdown of reactor number 2 could have been avoided if water was injected to cool the reactor 4 hours earlier. Water injection was started at 8 PM on March 14 after the cooling system failed at 1 PM that day. The meltdown could have been avoided if injection had started by 4 PM.
Wednesday, 21 September--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 

Typhoon Roke brings strong winds and up to 42 cm of rain to some areas of NE Japan. At the same time a magnitude 5.3 earthquake strikes just south of Fukushima. No significant problems are reported at the Fukushima Daiichi plant
Thursday, 29 September--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 

The measured core temperature is now below 100 degrees Celsius for all 3 damaged reactors. Reactor number 2 finally achieved this status today, while reactors 1 and 3 have been below 100 degrees since August.

Hydrogen is found at concentrations of 61 to 63 percent in pipes connected to the reactor 1 containment vessel. Plans are made to check for hydrogen in the pipes of all reactors and flush if necessary to prevent the possibility of another explosion.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster | Timeline 2011,March---January,2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant Disaster

Monday, 1 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster

A radiation level of 10 sieverts per (Fukushima Nuclear Power  Plant Information )  hour is read at a ventilation shaft between reactors 1 and 2. The area is subsequently sealed. The reading of 10 Sv is the maximum for many Geiger counters, including those used for these readings. One official states that it is entirely possible that the radiation readings were higher since the counter was reading its maximum. Radiation has been impeding attempts to replace cooling systems. These are the highest readings logged indoors since the initial March 2011 explosions.

Tuesday, 2 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster  

On Tuesday, 2 August, a radiation level of 5 sieverts per hour is detected on the second floor of the turbine building in reactor 1.[241] The radioactivity rates detected on August 2 and August 1 are considered lethal for even brief human exposures, an exposure of 0.1 Sv being the normal accepted workplace exposure over 5 years  and 8 Sv or 8 Gray (8Gy) being a 100% lethal dose.

Wednesday, 10 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 
Installation of the new, closed circulation cooling system is finished for all four damaged reactors (1-4), reactor 1 being the last. Previously, cooling was achieved with water injection by giant pump trucks.

The water decontamination system is not working as well as expected, operating at roughly 66% of expected performance and suffering from numerous malfunctions. The system is necessary to decontaminate the large amount of radioactive water that remains on the site.

Fukushima Nuclear Power  Plant | History | Accident | Nuclear Disaster Information 

July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

Sunday, 3 July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
The water decontamination (Fukushima Neclear Power Plant )  and water recycling systems are now both functional. 100% recycled water is now used for reactor cooling, and no additional volume of contaminated water is being generated.

Monday, 4 July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Radioactive caesium-137 is found in Tokyo's tap water for the first time since April. Radioactive caesium from Fukushima was expected to enter the Japanese seafood supply, and was projected to reach the US West Coast in 5 years .

Wednesday, 13 July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

The Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission publishes a report dated June 11, 1993, (Heisei 5) whose title literally translates to The event of entire alternating current station blackout on the nuclear power plant  conducted by a working group. This reports the results of an evaluation of the regulations to prevent and handle an occurrence of the full loss of alternating current (Station Blackout or SBO) in nuclear power plants in Japan and other countries. It concludes that further discussion is needed on methods to avoid or recover from such accidents. It also reports that the probability of an SBO in Japan is lower than in other countries.

Thursday, 14 July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

The number of people actively working at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is about 3,000. NISA orders TEPCO to boost the number of safety managers to support this large number of workers. The water decontamination systems continue to be plagued by leaks and filter problems. Over the last week they had been operating at an average of 73% capacity, below the target of 90% which is required to meet the current timetable.

Saturday, 16 July--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

In a joint assessment the Japanese government and TEPCO say they have completed the first step of a 3-month plan outlined in mid-April for a complete cold shutdown. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 have been cooled down to a stable level and nitrogen has been injected into their containment vessels to prevent hydrogen explosions; however, the assessment admits that contaminated water has leaked out of storage tanks, and that water level settings at its water purification facilities were incorrect.

Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster ( March,2011--January,2012)  |Power Plant 

June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power Plant Disaster

Friday, 3 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster
The first case is confirmed (Fukushima Neclear Power Plant Timeline-2011 )  where radiation levels in humans have exceeded limits since the accident at the plant. One worker in his thirties received 678 mSv, while another one in his forties received 643 mSv. Before the accident the limit for emergency situations was 100 mSv, but it was raised by the government to 250 mSv just after the accident. The two TEPCO workers were on duty in the central control rooms of reactors 3 and 4 and tell the health and labor ministry that they don't remember whether they wore protective masks or not when a hydrogen explosion occurred at reactor 1 on March 12.

Saturday, 4 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

Air radiation readings of up to 4000 millisieverts per hour are recorded in the reactor 1 building.

Monday, 6 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) gives new estimates of the times at which the reactor pressure vessels were damaged and possibly dropped fuel into the containment vessels: 5 hours after the initial earthquake for reactor 1 (20:00 March 11); 80 hours for reactor 2 (22:50 March 14); and 79 hours for reactor 3 (22:10 March 14).[213] In addition, NISA more than doubles its original estimate of radiation that escaped into the atmosphere in the first six days, from 370,000 terabecquerels to 770,000 terabecquerels.

Wednesday, 8 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

The ministry of education says that strontium 89
Sr and 90
Sr have been detected in soil samples collected from late March to early May and 22–62 km away from the Fukushima Daiichi Plant .The Japanese government's report on the Fukushima disaster to IAEA[216] is described in an article in the Yomiuri newspaper. The government report states that nuclear fuel has possibly melted through the base of the pressure vessels in the first three reactors. With data from the government report, the newspaper compares the March timelines provided by TEPCO and by NISA, which had performed further analysis; there were differences in the theoretical timing of events of up to 29 hours in the days following the tsunami.

Thursday, 9 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 
A spokesman for TEPCO says the company is revising its earlier road-map for bringing the plant under control, including the time expected to achieve cold shutdown .

Tuesday, 14 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

From 00:44 to 02:35 there is a massive steam and smoke release from unit 3, recorded by the TEPCO live cam. No explanation has been given yet by TEPCO officials.

Wednesday, 15 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

TEPCO begins a trial run of a radioactive water treatment system in an effort to break away from the vicious cycle of injecting water into reactors to cool them and ending up with more contaminated water.[221] While contaminated water is treated, the system is expected to produce about 2,000 cubic meters of radioactive sludge by the end of 2011.

Saturday, 18 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

The radioactive water treatment system is forced to shut down because a filter exceeds its radioactivity limit. The separation unit, which removes caesium from the water, had been expected to last about a month before its cartridge required replacing; at a radiation level of 4 millisieverts per hour. The radiation levels near the filter cartridge replacement valves reach 4.7 millisieverts per hour after just 5 hours of operation, reportedly due to oil and sludge in the water which contained more radioactivity than expected

Sunday, 19 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

Radiation in some areas of Tsukidate, 50 km NW of the Fukushima 1 plant, exceeds the legal limit. The government plans to help households in designated areas to evacuate, raising concern among residents. Although the Tsukidate elementary school has not detected radiation levels in excess of the legal limit, about 80 parents and teachers thoroughly wash windows and verandas with high-pressure water jets and brushes and the school suspends activities on the playground in response to concern by parents.

Tuesday, 21 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

A radiation reading of 430 millisieverts per hour is recorded in a mezzanine between the first floor and basement of reactor 2. This is the highest level measured up to this point in the reactor 2 building, and marks the first time that workers have entered the basement of this building since the beginning of the crisis.

Monday, 27 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

Although the radioactive water treatment system has not yet started full-scale operation, a total of 1,850 tons of radioactive water has been processed during test runs of the system. Today this decontaminated water is used to cool the reactors for the first time. TEPCO states that it will continue injecting 16 tons of water per hour for cooling the 3 reactors, and that 13 tons of this will be made up from the decontaminated water.[226] The recycling system operates for only 90 minutes before it is halted due to a burst connection which leaks about one ton of water .

Wednesday, 29 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

TEPCO reports that tellurium-129m is found at 720 becquerels per liter of seawater collected on June 4, detected near the water intake for the reactor 1; about 2.4 times safe levels. Though tellurium-129m has a short half-life of about 34 days, TEPCO denied that its detection indicated the possibility of a new leak of radioactive water into the sea.

Thursday, 30 June-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

 The Itabashi Ward Office announces that a concentration of cesium-134 at 2,700 becquerels per kilogram — in excess of the government's provisional limit — was detected in tea processed from leaves picked on May 9 in Tokyo.

May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

Monday, 2 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

T. Matsui of the (Fukushima  Nuclear Power Plant)  Fukushima  University of Tokyo Institute of Physics releases a scientific paper analysing the ratio of iodine-131 to caesium-137 taken from water samples, which concludes that a recriticality may have occurred at least 10 - 15 days after the attempted shutdown.

Thursday, 5 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 
Workers enter the reactor 1 building. This is the first time since the start of the crisis that a reactor building in the plant is visited by a human being. The workers will connect a ventilation system that should absorb radiation inside the building for the next 4–5 days, allowing them to start installation of the cooling system replacement. Because of protective gear the workers were only exposed to a small amount of radiation (about 2 mSv). TEPCO expects to bring the plant into a cold shutdown within six to nine months. IAEA releases a briefing.

Tuesday, 10 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

In a press release, TEPCO reports that levels of cesium-134, cesium-136, cesium-137, and iodine-131 (half-life of ~ 8 days), had spiked since last sampled on March 2, 2011, when these four nuclides were below detection limits. TEPCO's report gives the newly measured concentration (Bq/cm3) of each nuclide as of sampling date, May 8.

Thursday, 12 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

TEPCO engineers confirm that a meltdown occurred, with molten fuel having fallen to the bottom of the reactor's containment vessel. The utility says fuel rods of the No. 1 reactor are fully exposed with the water level 1 meter (3.3 feet) below the base of the fuel assembly. The government and TEPCO are described as "consistently appeared to be underestimating the severity of the situation.” According to a Japanese press report, there are holes in the base of the pressure vessel, and most of the fuel has likely melted. The nuclear fuel has possibly leaked into the containment vessel, which was damaged by an explosion during the crisis.[188] However, the Nuclear Energy Institute, a nuclear lobbying firm, states that the situation "is in no way alarming. It was anticipated that there was fuel damage in reactors 1, 2 and 3. This is confirmation.

Saturday, 14 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

A third TEPCO (contractor) employee dies, after falling ill at 06:50, being brought to the plant's medical room unconscious.  The likely cause of death is a heart attack. TEPCO says he was exposed to 0.17 millisieverts of radiation on Saturday.

Sunday, 15 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

A robot sent to the first floor of unit 1 records a radiation level of 2,000 mSv/h. At this level, workers would only be allowed to stay in the area for 8 minutes. In addition, the reactor's containment vessel is leaking large amounts of water into the basement. A TEPCO worker is able to peer into the basement and determines that the 11 m deep basement is approximately half full of water.

Wednesday, 18 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 
Four workers in protective suits and SCBA enter unit 2 for the first time since the March 15 explosion, to check on radiation levels and other conditions inside the building. The workers receive a dose of between 3 and 4 mSv each.
Friday, 20 May 2011.TEPCO president Masataka Shimizu resigns after reporting the largest financial losses in the company's history.

Sunday, 22 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

TEPCO reports that reactor 3 leaked at least 250 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean over a period of 41 hours beginning on May 10, 2011.

Tuesday, 24 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

On the eve of the arrival in Tokyo of a delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency, TEPCO admits that the cores of reactor 2 and reactor 3 also melted down in the days immediately following the earthquake in mid-March, 2011. 16 hours after the earthquake and SCRAM, the fuel rods of reactor 1 had "mostly melted and fallen into a lump at the bottom of the pressure vessel — a state that TEPCO officials have described as a 'meltdown'". A TEPCO spokesman Yoshimi Hitosugi stated last night, "The situation inside two and three is almost the same." TEPCO further stated that the fuel in reactor three took about 60 hours to melt and that the reactor melted down 100 hours after the magnitude nine quake struck.

Wednesday, 25 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster 

TEPCO informs the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and the government of Fukushima Prefecture of the results of soil tests for plutonium (238
Pu, 239Pu and 240 Pu) carried out around the Fukushima Daiichi plant. While the levels were comparable to the fallout in Japan from atmospheric nuclear testing, TEPCO deemed that the plutonium had originated from the accidents.

Saturday, 28 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

TEPCO informs the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and the government of Fukushima Prefecture of the results of soil tests for uranium (234
U, 235U and 238U) carried out around the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The uranium found was considered to be natural, as its isotope ratios were consistent with the natural abundance. At 21:14 a cooling pump at reactor five stops. At 08:12 the next day, work began on a spare pump, and cooling was restored at 12:49. The reactor temperature had risen to 92.2 °C. The cause of the outage is suspected to be motor failure.

Sunday, 29 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

It is reported that 22 out of 23 radiation monitoring systems around the Fukushima plants were disabled by the earthquake and tsunami. Some were directly damaged, but most were disabled due to communication and power lines being cut. Even monitors equipped with backup satellite links failed, probably due to antenna damage. In Miyagi prefecture, 4 out of 7 were disabled by the tsunami, with the remaining three stopping after three hours. In Ibaraki, some 40 monitors stopped working for three hours until power could be restored.
The first of the typhoons of the season is due to strike the area, while Japan states radiation levels at the seabed are several hundreds of times above normal levels off the coast of Fukushima. "The Science Ministry announced late on Friday highly radioactive materials were detected in a 300-km north-south stretch from Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture to Choshi in Chiba Prefecture, the Kyodo news agency reported.

Tuesday, 31 May-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Diichi Neclear Disaster

An oil spill near reactors five and six is detected at 8:00 am, as well as an explosion heard at 2:30 pm near reactor four. TEPCO reports that the explosion was the bursting of an oxygen cylinder damaged by unmanned machinery during debris removal.TEPCO states that there was a temporary oil leak into the sea near the plant, from an oil pipe that may have been damaged in the March disaster. It is stated as being an extremely small leak, possibly caused by recent rainy weather from Typhoon Songda. TEPCO says that the leak has stopped and oil fences have been installed to prevent the liquid from spreading into the Pacific Ocean.

April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

                   Friday, 1 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

TEPCO says (Fukushima Nuclear Plant Time Line 2011) that groundwater  near unit 1 contains radioiodine at levels 10,000 times normal, but NISA later disputes the numbers. The Japanese government is reported to be considering injecting nitrogen into the reactor vessels. Two more concrete pumping trucks, used initially to pump cooling water, are shipped to Japan from the Putzmeister factory in Germany.

Saturday, 2 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
 TEPCO observes for the first time that contaminated water from the unit 2 is flowing into the sea.Workers discover a crack about 20 cm (8 inches) wide in the maintenance pit, which lies between the reactor 2 and the sea, and holds cables used to power seawater pumps. Workers were preparing to pour concrete into the crack to stop the water, which was emitting radiation at 1 Sv/h.

Sunday, 3 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

The attempt to plug the leak near unit 2 fails when the concrete fails to set. TEPCO then reattempts to plug up the trench that leads to the damaged storage pit with a combination of superabsorbent polymer, sawdust and shredded newspaper, which also fails.[104] Radioactive water continues to leak into the sea. Radiation levels around the plant are estimated at 1 Sv/h and continue to decrease.

TEPCO confirms the first deaths at the Fukushima facility, two workers who had been missing since 11 March and appear to have died in the basement of reactor 4 from bleeding due to multiple injuries inflicted by the tsunami.

Monday, 4 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

TEPCO begins dumping water from storage tanks tainted with low levels of radioactivity into the Pacific Ocean on Monday night. Officials say this is needed to make room in a central waste facility to store water with a higher radioactive level. This more highly radioactive water is preventing workers from making progress on restoring the cooling and other systems to reactors 1–4. Samples of seawater near the plant reveal radioactive caesium at 1.1 million times the legal limit.

Tuesday, 5 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

It is determined that the leak into the cable storage pit from unit 2 was likely due to a faulty joint where the pit meets a duct. The pit leads to a gravel layer beneath, resulting in highly radioactive water pouring directly into the sea. Levels of radioactive iodine-131 in seawater near the facility are found to be 7.5 million times the legal limit. TEPCO drills a hole into the pit near reactor 2, from which highly radioactive water is leaking, and inject water glass (sodium silicate) into the pit to prevent further leaking.

Wednesday, 6 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

TEPCO announces that an injection of 6,000 litres (1,600 USgal) of polymer coagulant into the pit mitigated the leaking; however, the IAEA and others credit additional factors. Sodium silicate ("water glass") and additives are injected into the ground in order to stop the leakage of radioactive water. The residual heat carried by the water used for cooling the damaged reactors accelerates the setting of the injected mixture.
Despite protests from the South Korean government, Russian scientists, and Japanese fishermen, Japan authorizes the release of 11,500 tonnes (12,700 tons) of less radioactive water into the ocean to make room to store the more highly contaminated water.

Thursday, 7 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Nitrogen injection into the pressure containment vessel of unit 1 commences at 01:31. Workers are evacuated following a magnitude 7.1 aftershock off the north-eastern coast of Japan, 118 kilometers from the plant. TEPCO reports communications and power were not affected and no additional damage was observed as a result. A tsunami warning is also issued, but is lifted after 90 minutes. Most of the workers at the nuclear plant were evacuated. Official measures at Fukushima I reactor unit 1, however, show a rise in temperature following the aftershock and a spiking amount of radiation in the Dry Well, which exceeds the instrument maximum of 100 Sv/h.

Friday, 8 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Before the crisis evaluation was elevated by Japanese authorities to level 7, the highest level, experts already recognized that Fukushima is the most complicated nuclear accident ever.

Saturday, 9 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Japan is still struggling to keep water on the reactors to cool them and prevent further meltdown. Russian Antonov An-124 cargo planes fly out of Atlanta and Los Angeles, each carrying a huge concrete boom pump. The two 95-ton boom pumps, which TEPCO purchased for $2million each, can be operated from two miles away by remote control. Each boom pump can direct focused streams of water into the damaged reactors. Currently TEPCO does not plan to take a Chernobyl approach to resolving the nuclear power plant crisis by entombing the radioactive material in concrete. If this decision were to change, the boom pumps could be retrofitted to deliver concrete for that purpose. A survey of radiation in seawater outside unit 2 shows radioactive isotope concentrations (iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137) falling for the third consecutive day since the leak was plugged. However, the levels are still high at several thousand times legal levels.

Monday, 11 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Coolant injection into reactors 1 and 3 is interrupted for 50 minutes due to a loss of power after a strong earthquake. Workers plan to pump water into turbine condensers, but need to pump water out of them first. Work to transfer water from the unit 2 and unit 1 condensers to a central storage tank was completed on 9 and 10 April. Workers have also knocked holes through the turbine hall buildings of units 2 and 4 to accommodate hoses for the water transfer. At unit 3, work continues to make space for water in the turbine condenser by pumping existing water into other tanks. Japanese news wire NHK reports that workers are laying hoses to transfer water to an LLW waste processing facility, which continues to be inspected. TEPCO says that it cannot start work switching on emergency systems on site until the turbine hall is dry. NHK also reported that radioactive water filling a tunnel near unit 2 has risen 12 cm since a leak in a trench was stopped on Wednesday 6 April.

Tuesday, 12 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Japan officially raises Fukushima to INES Level 7, the same as Chernobyl.[166][167] This new rating considers the accidents as a single event and uses estimated total release to the atmosphere as a justification. At Chernobyl, approximately 10 times the amount of radiation was released into the atmosphere as was released from Fukushima I through 12 April 2011.[170] The total amount of radioactive material still stored at Fukushima is about 8 times that stored at Chernobyl, and leakage at Fukushima continues.

Friday, 15 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Nuclear fuel is reported to have melted and fallen to the lower containment sections of reactors 1, 2 and 3. The melted material is not expected to breach a container (which might cause a massive radiation release). Instead, the melted fuel is thought to have dispersed fairly uniformly across the lower portions of the containers of the three reactors, which would make the resumption of the fission process, to the extent of a recriticality accident, 'most unlikely';[173] however, it is only during future dismantling of the three damaged reactors that it would be possible to verify this hypothesis and to know what really occurred inside the reactor cores.

Saturday, 16 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Plans are announced for a large-scale study on the environmental and health effects of radioactive contamination from the nuclear plant. Academics and researchers from across Japan will work with the Fukushima Prefectural Government starting in May.

Monday, 18 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

The Associated Press is reporting that two PackBot ground robots from iRobot have entered unit 1 and unit 3 of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant and performed temperature, pressure, and radioactivity measurements. The remote-controlled robots entered the two reactors over the preceding weekend. The devices opened closed doors and explored the insides of the reactor buildings, coming back with radioactivity readings of up to 49 mSv/h inside unit 1 and up to 57 mSv/h inside unit 3. TEPCO officials say that the radiation data from the robots do not change their plans for shutting down the plant by the end of this year. Though more robots will be used a TEPCO official, Takeshi Makigami, says that robots are limited in what they can do and eventually "people must enter the buildings". Robots also entered unit 2, but the probe was hindered by fogging of the robot's camera lens from the high humidity, over 90%, inside the building.

Tuesday, 19 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster  
TEPCO begins transferring excess radioactive cooling water from the reactor 2's basement and maintenance tunnels to a waste processing facility.  Operations to pump radioactive water in the basements of buildings of units 1, 2, 3 and their associated tunnels start with unit 2.

Friday, 22 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan states additional towns might be asked to evacuate, which largely involves agricultural lands.  The government also plans to build 30,000 temporary homes by the end of May, and an additional 70,000 will follow. The president of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Masataka Shimizu, formally apologizes at the prefectural government office in Fukushima to the Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato for the nuclear crisis following the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunamis. In response, the Governor requests better working conditions for the workers.

Tuesday, 26 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
To prevent the proliferation of dust, TEPCO initiates spraying a synthetic resin to contain contaminated dust.

Wednesday, 27 April- 2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at Tokyo Electric Power Co., reports that radiation readings taken by two iRobot PackBot robots inside the reactor 1 building are as high as 1120 mSv/h, the highest level disclosed to date.

March ( 14-31 ) ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

                          Monday, 14 March  ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
1. 11:01: The unit 3 reactor building explodes, injuring six workers.According to TEPCO there was no release of radioactive material beyond that already being vented, but blast damage affected the water supply to unit 2.
2. 13:15: The reactor core isolation cooling system for reactor 2 stops and, shortly afterwards, the water level within the reactor starts falling.
3. 15:00: A major part of the fuel in reactor 3 drops to the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel.
4.18:00 (approximate): The water level in reactor 2 reaches the top of the fuel.
5. 20:00: Core damage starts occurring in reactor 2.
The president of the French nuclear safety authority, Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN), said that the accident should be rated as a 5 (an accident with wider consequences) or even a 6 (a serious accident) on INES.

Tuesday, 15 March  ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

1. 11:00: A second explosion of reactor 3 (according to The World Meteorological Organization report.
2. 20:00: A majority of the fuel in reactor 2 drops to the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel.

Damage to the temporary cooling systems on unit 2 from the explosion in unit 3, plus problems with its venting system, meant that water could not be added to the extent that unit 2 was in the most severe condition of the three reactors. An explosion in the "pressure suppression room" causes some damage to unit 2’s containment system. A fire breaks out at unit 4. Radiation levels at the plant rise significantly but subsequently fall. Radiation equivalent dose rates of 400 millisieverts per hour (400 mSv/h) are observed at one location in the vicinity of unit 3.

Wednesday, 16 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

At approximately 14:30 TEPCO announces its belief that the fuel rod storage pool of unit 4 — which is located outside the containment area — may have begun boiling, raising the possibility that exposed rods could reach criticality. By midday NHK TV is reporting white smoke rising from the Fukushima I plant, which officials suggest is likely coming from reactor 3. Shortly afterwards all but a small group of remaining workers at the plant are placed on standby because of the radiation rising to a dangerous level of up to 1 Sv/h. TEPCO temporarily suspended operations at the facility. A TEPCO press release states that workers had been withdrawn at 06:00 JST because of abnormal noises coming from one of the reactor pressure suppression chambers. Late in the evening Reuters reports that water is being poured into reactors 5 and 6.

Thursday, 17 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

During the morning Self-Defense Force helicopters drop water four times on the spent fuel pools of units 3 and 4. In the afternoon it is reported that the unit 4 spent fuel pool was filled with water and none of the fuel rods were exposed. Construction work is started to supply a working external electrical power source to all six units of Fukushima I. Starting at 7 pm, police and fire water trucks attempt to spray water into the unit 3 reactor with high pressure hoses. Japanese authorities inform the IAEA that engineers are laying an external grid power line cable to unit 2. After watching the helicopter effort on TV Kazunori Hasegawa, president of Chuo Construction, calls the government and offers the use of his two truck-mounted concrete boom pumps to spray water directly into the reactors. TEPCO did not respond for three days, and then stated it would wait for the arrival of similar pumps obtained elsewhere.

Friday, 18 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
 Tokyo Fire Department dispatches thirty fire engines with 139 fire-fighters and a trained rescue team at approximately 03:00 JST, including a fire truck with a 22 metre water tower. For the second consecutive day, high radiation levels are detected in an area 30 kilometres (19 mi) northwest of the damaged Fukushima I nuclear plant at 150 ÎŒSv/h. Japanese authorities upgrade INES ratings for cooling loss and core damage at unit 1 to level 5, and issue the same rating for units 2 and 3. The loss of fuel pool cooling water at unit 4 is classified as a level 3.

Saturday, 19 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
A second group of 100 Tokyo and 53 Osaka firefighters replaces the previous team. They use a vehicle that projects water from a height of 22 meters to cool spent nuclear fuel in the storage pool inside the reactor of unit 3. Water is sprayed into the reactor for a total of 7 hours during the day. TEPCO reports that the water was effective in lowering the temperature around the spent fuel rods to below 100 °C.

Sunday, 20 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 
External power is reconnected to unit 2, but work continues to make the equipment operational. Repaired diesel generators at unit 6 provide power to restart the cooling on units 5 and 6, both of which are returned to cold shutdown and their fuel cooling ponds returned to normal operating temperatures. TEPCO announces that the pressure in reactor 3's containment vessel is rising, and that it might be necessary to vent air containing radioactive particles to relieve pressure, as reported by Japanese broadcaster NHK at 1:06. The operation is later aborted as TEPCO deems it unnecessary. While joining in a generally positive assessment of progress toward overall control, Japanese chief cabinet secretary Edano confirms, for the first time, that the heavily damaged and contaminated complex will be closed once the crisis is over.

Monday, 21 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Ongoing repair work is interrupted by a recurrence of grey smoke from the south-east side of unit 3 (the general area of the spent fuel pool) seen at 15:55 and is dying down by 17:55. Employees are evacuated from unit 3, but no changes in radiation measurements or reactor status are seen. No work was going on at the time (such as restoring power) which might have accounted for the fire. White smoke, probably steam, is also seen coming from unit 2 at 18:22 JST, accompanied by a temporary rise in radiation levels. A new power line is laid to unit 4 and unit 5 is transferred to its own external power from a transmission line instead of sharing the unit 6 diesel generators.

Tuesday, 22 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Smoke is still rising from units 2 and 3, but is less visible, and is theorized to be steam following operations to spray water onto the buildings. Repair work resumes, after having been halted because of concerns over the smoke; it is felt safe because no significant changes in radiation levels have occurred. Work continues to restore electricity, and a supply cable is connected to unit 4. Injection of seawater into units 1–3 continues. External power cables are reported to be connected to all six units and lighting is back on again in the control room of unit 3.

Wednesday, 23 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Smoke again starts belching from reactor 3 in the late afternoon, this time black and grey smoke, causing another evacuation of workers from around the area. Aerial video from the plant shows what appears to be a small fire at the base of the smoke plumes in the heavily damaged reactor building. Feed water systems in unit 1 are restored allowing an increase in the rate water that can be added to the reactor. The Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary also advises that high levels of radioactivity have been found in Tokyo's drinking water and that it should not be used to reconstitute baby formula as it is around twice the legal limit for children.

Thursday, 24 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Seawater injection to units 1, 2 and 3 continues and radiation levels near the plant decline to 200 ÎŒSv/h, while lighting is restored to the unit 1 control room. Three workers are exposed to high levels of radiation which cause two of them to require hospital treatment, after radioactive water seeps through their protective clothes. The workers are exposed to an estimated equivalent dose of 2–6 Sv to the skin below their ankles. They were not wearing protective boots, as their employing firm's safety manuals "did not assume a scenario in which its employees would carry out work standing in water at a nuclear power plant". The activity concentration of the water is about 3.9 GBq/L. Infra-red surveys of the reactor buildings, obtained by helicopter, show that the temperatures of units 1, 2, 3 and 4 continue to decrease, ranging from 11–17 °C, and the fuel pool at unit 3 is recorded at 30 °C.

Friday, 25 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

NISA announces a possible breach in the containment vessel of the unit 3 reactor, though radioactive water in the basement might alternatively have come from the fuel storage pool. Highly radioactive water is also found in the turbine buildings of units 1 and 2. The US Navy sends a barge with 1,890 cubic metres (500,000 USgal) of fresh water, expected to arrive after two days. Japan announces transportation will be provided in a voluntary evacuation zone of 30 kilometres (19 mi). Tap water is reported to be safe for infants in Tokyo and Chiba by Japanese authorities, but still exceeds limits in Hitachi and Tokaimura. Iodine-131 in the ocean near the plant measures 50,000 Bq/L, a "relatively high" 1,250 times normal levels.

Saturday, 26 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Fresh water becomes available again for use instead of seawater to top up reactor water levels. The fresh water is provided by two United States Navy barges holding a total of 2,280 metric tons of fresh water which were towed by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force from the United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka Naval Base to Fukushima. Radiation levels near the plant decline to a still relatively high 170 ÎŒSv/h.

Sunday, 27 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Levels of "over 1000" and 750 mSv/h are reported from water within unit 2 (but outside the containment structure) and 3 respectively. A statement that this level in unit 2 is "ten million times the normal level" were later retracted and attributed to incorrectly high levels of iodine-134 (which is later reported to be below the limit by TEPCO). Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency indicate that "The level of radiation is greater than 1,000 millisieverts. It is certain that it comes from atomic fission ... But we are not sure how it came from the reactor." The high radiation levels cause delays for technicians working to restore the water cooling systems for the troubled reactors. USAF technicians at Yokota AB complete the fabrication of compatibility valves to allow the connection of deployed pump systems to the existing infrastructure at Fukushim.

Monday, 28 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

The Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission states that it "assumed" melted fuel rods in unit 2 have released radioactive substances into the coolant water, which subsequently leaked out through an unknown route to the unit 2 turbine building basement. To reduce the amount of leaking water, TEPCO reduced the amount of water pumped into the unit 2 reactor, from 16 tons per hour to 7 tons per hour, which could lead to higher reactor temperatures. The highly radioactive water halts work on restoring the cooling pumps and other powered systems to reactors 1–4. TEPCO confirms finding low levels of plutonium in five samples during 21 and 22 March.

Tuesday, 29 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

TEPCO continues to spray water into reactors 1–3 and discovers that radioactive runoff water is beginning to fill utility trenches outside the three reactor buildings. The highly radioactive water in and around the reactor buildings continues to limit progress of the technicians in restoring the cooling and other automated systems to the reactors.

Wednesday, 30 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

At a news conference TEPCO Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata announces that it is unclear how the problems at the plant will be resolved. An immediate difficulty is the removal of large quantities of radioactive water in the basement buildings, but also salt build up inside the reactors, from using seawater for cooling, will need to be removed. Building concrete walls to enclose the reactors in a shield is being considered, as had been done at Chernobyl. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds radioactive iodine in milk in the United States.

Thursday, 31 March ,2011,Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 

Workers pump radioactive water from a utility trench near reactor 1 into a storage tank near reactor 4. Water in the condensers for reactors 2 and 3 is shifted to outside storage tanks so that the condensers can remove more contaminated water from inside the reactors. The world's largest concrete pumping truck is shipped from the United States to Fukushima. The truck has been slightly modified to be able to pump cooling water initially, then will later possibly to be used to pump concrete for any eventual permanent containment structure. A 62 metre-tall pumping truck, donated by Chinese manufacturer SANY is also used.

Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

March-( 7-2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

Monday, 7 March Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

Tokyo Electric Power ( Fukushima Newclear Power Plant ) Company (TEPCO) submits a report to Japan's nuclear safety agency which predicts the possibility of a tsunami up to 10.2 metres high at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in the event of an earthquake similar to the magnitude 7.2 earthquake with accompanying tsunami that devastated the area in 1896. TEPCO actually made this prediction in 2008 but delayed in submitting the report because they "did not feel the need to take prompt action on the estimates".

Friday, 11 March Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

1. 14:46: A 9.0 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Honshu Island at a depth of about 24 kilometres (15 mi). The Fukushima I power plant's nuclear reactors 1, 2, and 3 are automatically shut down by the tremor. Nuclear reactors 4, 5, and 6 were undergoing routine maintenance and were not operating, (reactor 4 was defueled in November 2010). The tremor has the additional effect of causing the power plant to be cut off from the Japanese electricity grid, however, backup diesel generators kick in to continue cooling. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant's operator, finds that units 1 and 2 are not operating correctly and notifies the proper officials.

2. 14:52: Reactor 1's emergency cooling system, which is capable of running without external power, turns on automatically.

3. 15:03: Reactor 1's emergency cooling system is manually shut down.
4. 15:27: The first tsunami strikes the plant.
5. 15:30: The emergency condenser designed to cool the steam inside the pressure vessel of the No. 1 reactor fails.
6. 15:46 (approximate): A 14-metre (46 ft) tsunami, unleashed by the earthquake, overtops the seawall designed to protect the plant from a tsunami of 5.7 metres (19 ft), inundating the Fukushima facility and disabling the backup diesel generators – all but one of which were housed underground – and washing away their fuel tanks. With the loss of all electrical power supply, the low-pressure core spray, the residual heat removal and low-pressure coolant injection system main pumps, and the automatic depressurization systems all failed (most of the emergency core cooling system). Only the steam-powered pump systems (isolation condenser in reactor 1, high-pressure coolant injection and reactor core isolation cooling system in reactors 2 and 3) remained available. Later, as the temperature rose, a system started that used steam-powered pumps[not in citation given] and battery-powered valves.

According to a report in the New York Times, "... at the start of the crisis Friday, immediately after the shattering earthquake, Fukushima plant officials focused their attention on a damaged storage pool for spent nuclear fuel at the No. 2 reactor at Daiichi, said a nuclear executive who requested anonymity.

1. 16:00: The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan (NISA) initiates an emergency headquarters in an attempt to gather information on the 55 nuclear reactors in Japan. There is no report that radiation was detected outside power-plant borders.
2.18:00: The falling water level in reactor 1 reaches the top of the fuel, and the core temperature starts climbing.
3. 18:18: Reactor 1's emergency cooling system is once again back on.
4.19:03: Prime Minister Naoto Kan declares a nuclear emergency status announced by Yukio Edano, Chief Cabinet officer in Japan. Japanese government officials try to comfort the people of Japan by telling them that the proper procedures are being undertaken. They also announce that no radioactive leaks have been detected.
4.19:30: The fuel in reactor 1 becomes fully exposed above the water surface, and fuel damage in the central core begins soon after.
5.21:00: An evacuation order is issued by the government to persons within a radius of 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) from the Fukushima I station. Those within a radius of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) are told that they can remain in their homes, and carry on with regular activities, until told otherwise. TEPCO announces that the pressure inside reactor unit 1 of Fukushima I is more than twice normal levels.
March, Saturday, 12 March

1. 02:44: Emergency battery power for the high pressure core-flooder system (HPCFS) for reactor 3 runs out.
2.04:15: Fuel rods in reactor 3 are exposed and 05:30: Despite the high risk of hydrogen (produced from the water in the containment vessel) igniting after combining with oxygen from water or in the atmosphere, and in order to release some of the pressure inside the reactor at Fukushima I unit 1, the decision is taken to vent some of the steam (which contained a small amount of radioactive material) into the air within the metal container building surrounding the unit.
3. 05:50: Fresh water injection into reactor 1 is started .
4. 06:50: Although unknown at the time, the core of reactor 1 has now completely melted and falls to the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel.
5. 10:09: TEPCO confirms that a small amount of vapor has been released into the air to release pressure in reactor unit 1 at Fukushima I.
6. 10:58: Pressure still remains too high inside reactor unit 2 at Fukushima I. In order to alleviate some of this pressure, a consensus is reached to once more vent radioactive vapor into the air.
7. 14:50: Fresh water injection into reactor 1 is halted.
8. 15:30: Evacuation of residents within 3 km of Fukushima II and within 10 km of Fukushima I are underway.
9. 15:36: There is a massive explosion in the outer structure of unit 1. The concrete building surrounding the steel reactor vessel collapses as a result of the explosion; however no damage is believed to have been sustained to the reactor itself. Four workers are injured.
10. 19:00: Sea water injection into reactor 1 is started. TEPCO orders Daiichi to cease seawater injection at 19:25, but Daiichi plant boss Masao Yoshida orders workers to continue with the seawater injection.
11. 21:40: The evacuation zone around Fukushima I is extended to 20 km, while the evacuation zone around Fukushima II is extended to 10 km.

To release pressure within reactor unit 1 at Fukushima I, steam is released out of the unit into the air. This steam contains water vapor, hydrogen, oxygen and some radioactive material, mostly tritium and nitrogen-16.

TEPCO engineers decided to directly inject sea water inside the pressure vessel of the reactors by means of the mobile trucks of the firemen. The pressure relief was also necessary to allow the firemen to inject seawater into the reactors vessels.

Sunday, 13 March Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
1. 02:42: The high pressure coolant injection system for reactor 3 stops and, shortly thereafter, the water level within the reactor starts falling.
2. 07:00 (approximate): The water level in reactor 3 reaches the top of the fuel.
3. 09:00: Core damage starts occurring in reactor 3.
A partial meltdown was reported to be possible at unit 3. At 13:00 JST reactors 1 and 3 are vented to release overpressure and then re-filled with water and boric acid for cooling, and to inhibit further nuclear reactions.[20] Unit 2 was possibly suffering a lower than normal water level, but was thought to be stable; although pressure inside the containment vessel was high. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency announced that it was rating the situation at unit 1 as level 4 (an accident with local consequences) on the International Nuclear.

Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 

Operating History | Warnings and design critique Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Operating history Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

The plant reactors came( Fukushima  Nuclear Power Plant )  online from 1970 through 1979. From the end of 2002 through 2005, the reactors were among those shut down for a time for safety checks due to the TEPCO data falsification scandal. On Feb 28, 2011 TEPCO submitted a report to the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency admitting that the company had previously submitted fake inspection and repair reports. The report revealed that TEPCO failed to inspect more than 30 technical components of the six reactors, including power boards for the reactor's temperature control valves, as well as components of cooling systems such as water pump motors and emergency power diesel generators. In 2008, the IAEA warned Japan that the Fukushima was built using outdated safety guidelines, and could be a "serious problem" during a large earthquake.

 The warning led to the building of an emergency response center in 2010, used during the response to the 2011 nuclear accident.On 4 April 2011, TEPCO vice president Takashi Fujimoto announced that the company was canceling plans to build Reactors No. 7 and 8 On May 20 TEPCO's board of directors' officially voted to decommission Units 1 through 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and to cancel plans to build units 7 and 8. It refused however to make a decision regarding units 5 and 6 of the station or units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daini nuclear power station until a detailed investigation is made. It said in the interim it will work to preserve these reactors in the state of cold shutdown.

Warnings and design critique Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
In 1990 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ranked the failure of the emergency electricity generators and subsequent failure of the cooling systems of plants in seismically very active regions one of the most likely risks. The Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) cited this report in 2004. According to Jun Tateno, a former NISA scientist, TEPCO did not react to these warnings and did not respond with any measures.Film maker Adam Curtis mentioned the risks of the type of boiling water reactors cooling systems such as those in Fukushima I, and claimed the risks were known since 1971 in a series of documentaries in the BBC in 1992 and advised that PWR type reactors should have been used.

Fukushima Nuclear   Site Layout Operating History Warnings and Design Critique Incidents |Accident Nuclear Disaster of 2011 Timeline Operating History | Warnings and design critique Fukushima

Incidents and Accident Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

 In 1978, fuel rods fell in ( Fukushima Newclear Power Plant ) reactor No. 3, causing a nuclear reaction. It took about seven and a half hours to place the rods back into proper positions. On February 25, 2009 a manual shutdown was initiated during the middle of a startup operation. The cause was a high pressure alarm that was caused by the shutting of a turbine bypass valve. The reactor was at 12% of full power when the alarm occurred at 4:03am due to a pressure increase to 1,029.8 psi (7,100 kPa), exceeding the regulatory limit of 1,002.2 psi (6,910 kPa) The reactor was reduced to 0% power, which exceeded the 5% threshold that requires event reporting, and pressure dropped back under the regulatory limit at 4:25am. Later, at 8:49am the control blades were completely inserted, constituting a manual reactor shutdown. An inspection then confirmed that one of the 8 bypass valves had closed and that the valve had a bad driving fluid connection. The reactor had been starting up following its 25th regular inspection which began on October 18, 2008.

On March 26, 2009 unit 3 had problems with over-insertion of control blades during outage. Repair work was being done on equipment that regulates the driving pressure for the control blades, and when a valve was opened at 2:23pm a control blade drift alarm went off. On later inspection it was found that several of the rods had been unintentionally inserted.

On November 2, 2010 unit 5 had an automatic SCRAM while an operator was conducting an adjustment to the control blade insertion pattern. The SCRAM was caused by a reactor low water level alarm. The turbine tripped along with the reactor and there was no radiation injury to workers.

Site layout Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

The location of the plant was (Fukushima Newclear Power Plant ) on a bluff which was originally 35-meters above sea level. During construction, however, TEPCO lowered the height of the bluff by 25-meters. One reason the bluff was lowered was so that the base of the reactors could be constructed on solid bedrock to mitigate the threat posed by earthquakes. Another reason was the lowered height would keep the running costs of the seawater pumps low.

TEPCO did not factor in the tsunami risk when planning the site's construction. Therefore, the lowered height would result in the plant being more vulnerable to tsunami .The Fukushima Daiichi site is divided into two reactor groups, the leftmost group when viewing from the ocean contains units 4,3,2 and 1 going from left to right. The rightmost group when viewing from the ocean contains the newer units 5 and 6, respectively the positions from left to right. A set of seawalls protrude into the ocean, with the water intake in the middle and water discharge outlets on either side.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Information

 The reactors for Units 1, 2, and 6 were ( Fukushima Newclear Power Plant )  supplied by General Electric, those for Units 3 and 5 by Toshiba, and Unit 4 by Hitachi. All six reactors were designed by General Electric. Architectural design for General Electric's units was done by Ebasco. All construction was done by Kajima. Since September 2010, Unit 3 has been fueled by a small fraction (6%) of mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, rather than the low enriched uranium (LEU) used in the other reactors. Units 1–5 were built with Mark I type (light bulb torus) containment structures. The Mark I containment structure was slightly increased in volume by Japanese engineers. Unit 6 has a Mark II type (over/under) containment structure.

Unit 1 was designed for a peak ground acceleration of 0.18 g (1.74 m/s2) and a response spectrum based on the 1952 Kern County earthquake, but rated for 0.498 g. The design basis for Units 3 and 6 were 0.45 g (4.41 m/s2) and 0.46 g (4.48 m/s2) respectively. All units were inspected after the 1978 Miyagi earthquake when the ground acceleration was 0.125 g (1.22 m/s2) for 30 seconds, but no damage to the critical parts of the reactor was discovered. The design basis for tsunamis was 5.7 meters.

Unit 1 is a 460 MW boiling water reactor (BWR-3) constructed in July 1967. It commenced commercial electrical production on March 26, 1971, and was initially scheduled for shutdown in early 2011. In February 2011, Japanese regulators granted an extension of ten years for the continued operation of the reactor. It was damaged during the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

The reactor's emergency diesel generators and DC batteries, crucial components in helping keep the reactors cool in the event of a power loss, were located in the basements of the reactor turbine buildings. The reactor design plans provided by General Electric specified placing the generators and batteries in that location, but mid-level engineers working on the construction of the plant were concerned that this made the back up power systems vulnerable to flooding. TEPCO elected to strictly follow General Electric's design in the construction of the reactors.

History of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

 The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant ,  also known as Fukushima Dai-ichi (dai-ichi means "number one"), is a disabled nuclear power plant located on a 3.5-square-kilometre (860-acre) site in the towns of Okuma and Futaba in the Futaba District of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.

First commissioned in 1971, the plant consists of six boiling water reactors (BWR). These light water reactors drove electrical generators with a combined power of 4.7 GWe, making Fukushima Daiichi one of the 15 largest nuclear power stations in the world. Fukushima I was the first nuclear plant to be designed, constructed and run in conjunction with General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) .

The plant suffered major damage from the 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 and is not expected to reopen. The earthquake and tsunami disabled the reactor cooling systems, leading to nuclear radiation leaks and triggering a 30 km evacuation zone surrounding the plant.

 On April 20, 2011, the Japanese authorities declared the 20 km evacuation zone a no-go area which may only be entered under government supervision. The Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant, or Fukushima Dai-ni ("number two"), is located to the south and also run by TEPCO.The reactors for Units 1, 2, and 6 were supplied by General Electric, those for Units 3 and 5 by Toshiba, and Unit 4 by Hitachi. All six reactors were designed by General Electric.