Sunday, February 12, 2012

August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant Disaster

Monday, 1 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster

A radiation level of 10 sieverts per (Fukushima Nuclear Power  Plant Information )  hour is read at a ventilation shaft between reactors 1 and 2. The area is subsequently sealed. The reading of 10 Sv is the maximum for many Geiger counters, including those used for these readings. One official states that it is entirely possible that the radiation readings were higher since the counter was reading its maximum. Radiation has been impeding attempts to replace cooling systems. These are the highest readings logged indoors since the initial March 2011 explosions.

Tuesday, 2 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster  

On Tuesday, 2 August, a radiation level of 5 sieverts per hour is detected on the second floor of the turbine building in reactor 1.[241] The radioactivity rates detected on August 2 and August 1 are considered lethal for even brief human exposures, an exposure of 0.1 Sv being the normal accepted workplace exposure over 5 years  and 8 Sv or 8 Gray (8Gy) being a 100% lethal dose.

Wednesday, 10 August--2011-Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear  Power plant  Disaster 
Installation of the new, closed circulation cooling system is finished for all four damaged reactors (1-4), reactor 1 being the last. Previously, cooling was achieved with water injection by giant pump trucks.

The water decontamination system is not working as well as expected, operating at roughly 66% of expected performance and suffering from numerous malfunctions. The system is necessary to decontaminate the large amount of radioactive water that remains on the site.

Fukushima Nuclear Power  Plant | History | Accident | Nuclear Disaster Information 

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